

 love with this absolutely fluffy Soufflé! 🌷
made from scratch to your table! 
 Don't you need a good treat like this?😋😋😋 Made from scratch when ordered, baked fresh from the oven 🥚🍯🥄 

soufflé (French)is a baked egg-based dish which originated in early eighteenth century France. It is made with egg yolks and beaten egg whitescombined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verbsouffler which means "to breathe" or "to puff"



 love with this absolutely fluffy Soufflé! 🌷
made from scratch to your table! 
 Don't you need a good treat like this?😋😋😋 Made from scratch when ordered, baked fresh from the oven 🥚🍯🥄 

soufflé (French)is a baked egg-based dish which originated in early eighteenth century France. It is made with egg yolks and beaten egg whitescombined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verbsouffler which means "to breathe" or "to puff"